3 ways to differentiate instruction

The way this strategy works is simple: use Bloom's Taxonomy to develop questions starting with the most basic level, then move toward the more advanced levels. Content, process, and product are key elements in lesson design. Includes teaching ideas and resources for grades 3, 4, and 5. As students demonstrate understanding with their tasks, they can move onto other appropriate tasks (sometimes individually and sometimes in groups). Flexible Grouping . It is an approach to teaching that advocates active planning for student differences in classrooms. Differentiation definitely makes sense, but again the question is HOW to do it in a class of 27 students. Article from upperelementarysnapshots.com. Rubric developed by College Track (it’s way too awesome). I address some of these elements, such as assessment fog, in other Edutopia posts. Another important way I differentiate instruction is by tiering assignments. Not only will you see students […]. Teachers differentiate instruction through a variety of different ways: flexible grouping, learning centers, and independent study, to name a few. Product: students demonstrate what they have learned An Upper Elementary Collaborative blog written by 13 teachers. Please try again. In return, they each receive a treasured prize: a heart, a brain, courage, and a way home. HyperDocs or “HyperLearning” as I prefer to call it, involves a well-crafted digital lesson for student use which engages them in inquiry-based learning and can differentiate learning in the classroom. 1. Most students can be a hybrid of a few different styles. In our recent report, Differentiated Instruction in Today’s Classroom, we dug a little deeper into this question. Prof. Amanda Geidel, director of Concordia's special education program describes three ways to approach differentiating your classroom instruction … It also supplies a host of tools for teachers to create assignments which provide student choice. These tips will … Differentiated instruction strategies overlap in important ways with a number of other pedagogical approaches. Pose a question to the class or statement to think about and have them turn and talk about it with a neighbor. Products strategies allow students to demonstrate what they have learned in a manner which best fits their style of learning and level of ability. The challenge is having teachers question the standardized notion of school and then helping kids realize there's a better way to do school. Project-Based Learning (PBL) units are a perfect structure for differentiation so all can learn. 3 Proven Ways to Differentiate Instruction for the Gifted Learner in a Data-Driven Society. There are 6 main learning styles: Kinesthetic, Visual, Auditory, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical. Knowing this information will make the instruction more productive for everyone. If you want more information on differentiation and student-centered learning, sign-up for a Free Chapter–and be notified when I release my book at a 75% discount! I cover this in depth in chapter 5 and walk you through a step-by-step process. All students learn in their own way, and they need to be able to show their individual skills and interests. Varying Assessment: changing up how it … Process: how students come to understand the content. But kids don't come in standard issue. Varying the Content Read Also: 31 Examples of Differentiation in the Classroom. Second, teachers provide flexible learning options. As long as they’re able to demonstrate a certain skill, assessment should be more about the process than the product. 3 Ways to Differentiate Learning in the Classroom with HyperDocs This is a post from Guest Instructor Shaelynn Farnsworth . Make math learning fun and effective with Prodigy Math Game. Lesen Sie ehrliche und unvoreingenommene Rezensionen von unseren Nutzern. The last choice is open-ended, a blank check. I did more research on this topic than ever before, and found some amazing resources. Nine Practices to Differentiate Reading Instruction. For example, one of my favorite practices is providing three or four choices in products. While its use is more prominent in special education classrooms, it is also an important strategy for modern classrooms that include diverse cultures, learning styles, and academic challenges. Here are my 6 EASY ways to differentiate instruction: 1. Some use stations everyday! Fortunately, educators have many instructional tools that can differentiate these core areas of instruction, such as these 50+ social media tools, which set the stage for students to respond through the next three DI elements in this series: I do an activity where I ask participants to stand and reach as high as they can. Here we will take a look at each of them. Instead of having every student go to every station, add choice to the mix. Differentiated instruction is a strategy used by educators to meet the special needs of each student. I understand the basics, and I also understand the reasoning behind why we need differentiation–but ultimately much of the debate on this topic has been on HOW we can actually pull it off in the classroom. Differentiation, when done right, is not a huge burden for teachers. But if you get in there and get involved in these turn and talks, you add a way to differentiate your instruction, too. Instead, it is a major piece to creating a student-centered experience. When we assign projects we tend to have an assignment with guidelines, steps, and a rubric for how it is going to be graded. However, when you have a large group of students, it can be tough to keep up with each child’s individual needs. I might teach the Ahh, flipped learning. Let’s start with a quick quote from Carol Ann Tomlinson, who literally wrote the book on differentiation: Let’s break it down a little further, and go into the Differentiated Instruction Model that Tomlinson and her colleagues have created: Ok, so I’m going to assume that this quick refresher has us all up to speed on what differentiation is…but here is what differentiatio… I flipped that entire project-based learning process on it’s head when I did the 20% Time Project with my students. In differentiating instruction, students’ background knowledge, readiness, languages, preferences in learning, and interests are all taken into consideration. The concept of differentiated instruction (DI) may seems to be only applicable to the bricks and mortar setting of a traditional classroom, but many DI strategies can enhance the educational experience of online adult learners. Often we show examples of previous projects that received high marks. Instructional Method More information 3 Simple Ways to Differentiate Instruction in Any Class - Differentiation definitely makes sense, but again the question is HOW to do it in a class of 27 students. This post is inspired by my new book, Learning by Choice: 10 Ways Choice and Differentiation Create An Engaged Learning Experience for Every Student. Varying Assessment: changing up how it … The tasks and curriculum are tied to what type of interests they may have. Instead of having them interpret tasks on their own, you are helping each student experience success by sharing knowledge and learning from one another. The end goal is to get all of the students to an extension activity, while understanding that they will all need varying support throughout the class in order to get there. That way, the teacher knows where students are, how much they’ve improved, and where they need to be. What can you do for those students who are labeled as gifted learners? Differentiated Instruction: An Introduction > Module 4 > Reading: Key Elements of Differentiated Instruction Page | 5 _____ The goal of readiness differentiation is to make the work a little too difficult for students at a given point in their growth—and then to provide the support they need to succeed at the new level of challenge. Tiering asks teachers to adjust class experiences to meet students where they are so students can complete meaningful tasks that move them forward (Tomlinson, 1999; Wormeli, 2005). Options are always a great way to keep students engaged and inspire creativity. How to differentiate learning content. For this we used the G.R.I.T. Think about what you would do if you were a student….no, really think about it for a moment. The core of differentiation is a relationship between teachers and students. Grouping, varying amounts of time, or changing the task are the most common types of differentiation. When you flip your instruction, the basics are taking the “lecture” or “direct instruction” out of the school day, and having that be “homework” (for lack of a better term). Response: Several Ways To Differentiate Instruction. 3 Ways To Differentiate In Project-Based Learning. In this example we will differentiate through process and product, according to a students interests, using continual assessment and a type of independent study. They had to create their own project (and product) and document the process. And you can do it with the time you have – without burning yourself out. Most educators agree that differentiated instruction can dramatically help students to succeed, but good differentiation needs careful planning to make sure students of all abilities are engaged and it can be a challenge when teachers are already so pressed for time. As far as grouping goes, students can be grouped by ability level, interests, or intermingled levels of understanding. Sep 30, 2017 - An Upper Elementary Collaborative blog written by 13 teachers. Science – February 22, 2016; where some questions were answered and others surfaced, 5 Solid Steps for Using Differentiated Instruction with ELL Students | FluentU English Educator Blog, tracking students into classes by ability, “dumbing down” the level of instruction for some students. When products are cleanly aligned to learning targets, student voice and choice flourish, while ensuring that significant content is addressed. They do. Watch and discuss a demonstration of fractions via cutting a cake. As a way to differentiate instruction, a teacher may implement the theory of multiple intelligences (MI). Content comprises the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students need to learn based on the curriculum. There are essentially three ways in which teachers can easily differentiate instruction, give them a once over and see if there’s anyway you can tailor your instruction to meet the needs of the individual a bit more in your classroom. The skill set required to differentiate seems mystical to some and incomprehensible to others in this environment of state standards and high-stakes tests. The theory was developed by Howard Gardner in the early 1980s and states that each person has several distinct intelligences correlating with a specific part of the brain. Content. What one student responds to may be what another student cannot comprehend. Here are three ways to differentiate that I’ve had success with as a teacher, and have also seen other teachers have success with in their classrooms (it looks a little different at each grade level). Content, process, and product are what teachers address all the time during lesson planning and instruction. The buzzword of 2013 (or was it 2012?). 3 Ways To Differentiate In Project-Based Learning by John McCarthy, […] 3 Proven Ways to Differentiate Instruction for the Gifted Learner in a Data-Driven Society. For math, Cognitively Guided Instructional Theory provides the perfect framework for differentiating the content and the process for the students in your classroom. Teachers give choices where students pick from formats. Pose a question to the class or statement to think about and have them turn and talk about it with a neighbor. The key to product options is having clear academic criteria that students understand. 1. In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and crew are so intimidated by the Wizard’s enigmatic personality that they struggle to talk with him on equal footing. Adjusting Questions . This is the beginning of an index of similar in form and function to the TeachThought Learning Model Index. Varying Process: changing up how it is taught. Teachers differentiate instruction through a variety of different ways: flexible grouping, learning centers, and independent study, to name a few. That’s why differentiation blends individual, small-group, large-group and whole-class instruction across content, processes and products. There is no one book, video, presenter, or Website that will show everyone how to differentiate instruction. Differentiated instruction and assessment, also known as differentiated learning or, in education, simply, ... Teachers can differentiate in four ways: 1) through content, 2) process, 3) product, and 4) learning environment based on the individual learner. You can differentiate a lesson in four main ways: Varying Content: changing up what is taught. It gives students a private arena to hand in ability-leveled assignments. 1. The role of Student Agency in PBL opens possibilities for learners to get the support they need from each other and from the teacher. You can get the book on Amazon now! 3 Proven Ways to Differentiate Instruction for the Gifted Learner in a Data-Driven Society. Differentiated instruction in the classroom is a teaching strategy that involves varying lessons to meet the needs of all students. But the basic idea of differentiation here is to allow students choice in what they work on and create, while grading the process instead of the final product. The preference for our society, if we really want to be effective, is to teach so that they learn, not merely present curriculum and document deficiencies or meeting standards or not. According to Tomlinson, teachers can differentiate instruction through four ways: 1) content, 2) process, 3) product, and 4) learning environment. Yep, it is exactly what I would do. I also finished writing my recent book on “choice in the classroom” which goes into detail on the topic and connects to differentiation in many ways. Unfortunately, our images of school are almost factory images, so school is very standardized. Includes teaching ideas and resources for grades 3, 4, and 5. Process is how students make sense of the content. Differentiating content includes using various delivery formats such as video, readings, lectures, or audio. The problem I saw with Flipped Classrooms over and over again was that teachers would take their lessons, record them, have students watch them at home…and then change nothing when the students came back to class the next day! The teacher’s responsibility is connecting content, process, and product. Content: the information students need to learn. Then I ask them to reach even higher. (I discuss readiness in another post.) For example, in a lesson on fractions, students could: This example should reassure teachers that differentiation could occur in whole groups. Varying Process: changing up how it is taught. Given this vast spread of differences, differentiated instruction is the only way to ensure that every student’s learning needs are met. Every teacher already has the tools to differentiate in powerful ways for all learners. Content may be chunked, shared through graphic organizers, addressed through jigsaw groups, or used to provide different techniques for solving equations. Differentiated instruction allows students to show what they know in different ways. But if you get in there and get involved in these turn and talks, you add a way to differentiate your instruction, too. It boils down to the fact that since we are all different, we may learn differently. Teachers regularly check in with students to find out what’s working and what isn’t. Differentiated instruction in the classroom is a teaching strategy that involves varying lessons to meet the needs of all students. Sep 27, 2018 - Most districts are now requiring teachers to provide data-driven differentiation. September 2020. Parental resistance: parents may resist differentiation for fear of their child being “singled out” or treated differently from the rest of the class. The purpose of process strategies is to differentiate the development of critical thinking skills. Start with any of the shared strategies, and see long-term positive effects on learning. Article from upperelementarysnapshots.com. Product differentiation is probably the most common form of differentiation. I’d create a project that met the specifications and guidelines, and hand in something I knew would get a high grade on the rubric. Consider reviewing these supplementary strategies to find more ideas, combine different elements of each strategy, and enrich your pedagogical toolkit! In this example we will differentiate through content, process, and learning environment, according to a students readiness, using respectful tasks, continual assessment, and flexible grouping. Chris Lehmann (Principal at Science Leadership Academy) famously said, “If you assign a project and get back 30 of the same thing, that’s not a project, that’s a recipe.” And therein lies the problem with projects. Nov 16, 2017 - An Upper Elementary Collaborative blog written by 13 teachers. Free for students, parents and educators. Here’s how teachers can differentiate across content, instruction, product, and environment for different learners. It’s also a formative assessment opportunity for teachers to monitor students’ progress. Includes teaching ideas and resources for grades 3, 4, and 5. 1) Differentiate how students learn necessary course material. 8 Easy Ways to Differentiate Math Instruction with Freckle Posted by Hannah Alvarez on May 29, 2018 at 1:09 PM Here are eight ways that you can start differentiating Math instruction in … Differentiated Instruction Strategies. Here is a quick refresher on what differentiation is (and what it is not). Processing helps students assess what they do and don’t understand. Process Strategies. Let’s start with a quick quote from Carol Ann Tomlinson, who literally wrote the book on differentiation: The idea of differentiating instruction to accommodate the different ways that students learn involves a hefty dose of common sense, as well as sturdy support in the theory and research of education (Tomlinson & Allan, 2000). If they are already high achievers, it can be difficult to help them reach a higher level of success. Juliani […], […] Are you ready? Students craft a different product idea and propose it to the teacher. By AJ Juliani 5 Comments Education, Engagement, Practical Strategies. A majority of teachers I encounter need support in how to differentiate their instruction to reach all learners. Differentiated instruction is not the same as individualized instruction. 164. In this example we will differentiate through content and process, according to a students interests and learning profile, using respectful tasks, quality curriculum, and flexible grouping. Students respond to learning based on readiness, interests, and learning profile. .. SHARES. After time, adding one layer of differentiation can happen and then before you know it, you have a well-running differentiated machine…I mean classroom. If we provide a variety of ways to explore the content outcomes, learners find different ways to connect. Differentiating instruction means that all students are presented an equal opportunity to learn. Differentiated instruction (DI) casts a spell on educators as to how it meets all students’ needs. Are you like me, and still a .. The best way to differentiate instruction is to give students a choice in how they show their learning. Presenting a report 2. Differentiated Instruction Examples. How to Differentiate Instruction. It provides a way for students to ask the teacher questions without fear of being ridiculed by peers. Differentiated instruction strategies overlap in important ways with a number of other pedagogical approaches. Feb 28, 2018 - The preference for our society, if we really want to be effective, is to teach so that they learn, not merely present curriculum and document deficiencies or meeting standards or … 1. Give students a short formative assessment when they come into class the next day, and then based on their readiness have different tasks and flexible groups for students to join. All but the last choice are predeveloped for students who want a complete picture of what needs to be done. I’m a big fan of project-based learning, problem-based learning, and inquiry-driven learning (hey, I even wrote a book about inquiry). According to Tomlinson, teachers can differentiate instruction through four ways: 1) content, 2) process, 3) product, and 4) learning environment. Differentiating content includes using various delivery formats such as video, readings, lectures, or audio. It can work well in general education classes that include students with learning and thinking differences. Examples of activities which can be used when using differentiating in math instruction include: 1. Content. 3 Simple Ways to Differentiate Instruction in Any Class. This is a small example of how student-centered learning can work in your classroom. The benefits of station activities is breaking up instruction into manageable chunks that can be tailored for all types of learners in the classroom. Mar 1, 2018 - The preference for our society, if we really want to be effective, is to teach so that they learn, not merely present curriculum and document deficiencies or meeting standards or not. Below we’ve gathered a list of 50 differentiation strategies. Research shows that one of the most effective ways to meet all learners' needs is to differentiate instruction. Photo Credit: Tsahi Levent-Levi via Compfight cc. And then I’d have a project like everyone else. This brief looks at how differentiation strategies applied to reading can be designed to help students learn a range of skills including, phonics, comprehension, fluency, word prediction, and story prediction. Let’s get started.” To read further please click here:http://ajjuliani.com/3-simple-ways-differentiate-instruction-class/ […], […] http://ajjuliani.com/3-simple-ways-differentiate-instruction-class/ […], […] student readiness to create lessons and instructional strategies means you’re creating tasks that closely match students’ skill levels and what they understand about the topic you’re teaching. But here’s the good news! Let’s stop looking for it. Like the Learning Model Index, this list will be updated with definitions, tools, tips, and strategies to … But there is a secret (and big) problem with project-based learning. by John McCarthy, EdS, TeachThought PD Facilitator. Some strategies include: Of these three DI elements, process experiences are least used. Now check your email to download the toolbox. Most teachers I know use a station activity at some point in the year. I did not give them a rubric for that final product. I’ll give you three simple ways to differentiate in your classroom, and they can be applied to any grade level or subject area. But this post is about action (not necessarily research). It does not mean students have to be ability-grouped or that I must offer three different levels of texts for study. Some teachers use differentiated instruction to address the mix of Differentiated instruction is a way of teaching that matches a variety of learning 3. On the premise that Instructional approaches should vary and be adapted in relation to individual and diverse students in. Of previous projects that received high marks types of differentiation is ( and what it not. 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