catholic morality activities

Moral theology encompasses Roman Catholic social teaching, Catholic medical ethics, sexual ethics, and various doctrines on individual moral virtue and moral theory. After reading several pieces of information that might be shared by a friend, students decide which should be kept confidential and which might be shared with others. Students evaluate a contemporary piece of music based on several different categories of violence and disrespect. A lesson plan for lesson 39 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. Get details here on our COVID-19 Action Plan. Authored By: Carol Egan. The firstis by some form of At this station, students examine a picture depicting monks in Thailand. Students rank a list of careers based on their importance and prestige in society. This article gives several suggestions of how an individual can bring about distributive justice. To practice making good moral decisions by role-playing different moral dilemmas and explaining the steps used to reach a decision. This handout guides students to examine several Scripture passages exemplifying what it means to say “yes” to God’s call. This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Confucianism. Since Catholic Christianity believes that this destiny is heaven, a human act is either good or bad according as it leads to or detracts a person from his or her heavenly goal. This is a description for an art project where students express the relationship between Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. On this worksheet, students identify the Scripture passages associated with the various parts of the Blessing of the Water used at the Easter Vigil. This puzzles helps students to identify and order the parts of the Liturgy of the Word. Does the Bible Have Anything to do with My Life? If there are children in your group with special needs (physical, visual, hearing, language, or behavioral disabilities), adapt the activity accordingly. Toss a coin to find out who goes first. On this handout, students must use clues to unscramble words related to prayer. This handout gives a brief explanation for several types of relationships that end in marriage. Showing 1–296 of 296 results. This worksheet guides students to make connections between the Mass and a special meal or tradition in their family. On this handout, students match the meaning to each line of the Lord’s Prayer. This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Sikhism. Students order important events from the 19th and 20th centuries. Vocabulary terms for Unit 3 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love. Students reflect on and answer a series of questions about their interpersonal style and relationships with others. This project asks students to research an exemplary model of what it means to be the best person that God created each of us to be. The Christian moral life is one that seeks to cultivate and practice virtue. Students must give a suggestion for how to respond to the conflict in each scenario based on the strategies in the book. This article provides several possible ideas of ways to help students see, experience, and better understand the Shinto religion. This handout provides many different images and descriptions of Jesus for students to examine and relate to. Life and Dignity of the Human Person: All human life is sacred, and all people must be respected and valued over material goods. What do you do or say? A lesson plan for lesson 19 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in different forms of Christianity. Our offices will be closed from December 24—January 3. This handout provides several real-life situations that teens might encounter. 3.Think about what will happen as a result of your choice. Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society. This exercise is meant to help students understand the amount of money needed to survive. Copyright © 2020 Saint Mary's Press. 800-621-1008 Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. A scavenger hunt to find important Church doctrines, teachings and beliefs in the Catechism. This handout guides students as they become familiar with searching for information in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This handout helps teens reflect on their body image and the influences on their attitudes towards their bodies. Students review many familiar miracles performed by Jesus in the gospels before choosing a favorite. Live It! Each player then shares what they wrote with the group. This handout features an image of an altar. Group Games. This handout challenges students to find symbols in their classroom or school and identify the deeper meaning of each. Change the World with Everyday Faith, Director's Manual, Gathered Sessions and Retreat, The Old Testament, the Trinity, and the Mission of Christ, The New Testament, the Church, and the Sacraments, The Prophets, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, Chapter J: Major Events in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Chapter E: Early Christians Plant the Seeds, Spirit Telecom: The Universal Wireless Prayer Network, Sacred Scripture and the Rules of the Saints, Paul’s Response to the Early Christian Communities, Mind Mapping: "I Am" Statements from the Gospel of John, Unit 4 Preassessment: New Testament Myths and Facts, Rubrics for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 3, Jigsaw Activity: Categories of Books in the New Testament, Jigsaw Activity: Categories of Books in the Old Testament, Literal and Spiritual Senses of Scripture: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37), Mind Map: From the Spoken Word to the Written Word, Unit 2 Preassessment: "Meet Me in the Middle" Concepts, Rubrics for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1, Responding to God’s Invitation: Exemplary Models, Catholic Social Teaching and the Common Good, Reflection on the Greatest Commandments and the Judgment of the Nations, God’s Revelation through Sacred Scripture, Empathizing (Religion in the Modern World), Empathizing (Indigenous Religious Traditions), Comparing and Contrasting Religion in the Modern World with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Islam with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Forms of Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Judaism with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting the Ancestors of the West with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Shinto with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Zen Buddhism with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Taoism with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Confucianism with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Sikhism with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Jainism with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Buddhism with Christianity, Comparing and Contrasting Hinduism with Christianity, Worldviews: Religions and Their Relatives, Teacher Evaluation An Interreligious Interview, Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes, Searching the Scriptures for the World of Jesus, Questionnaire on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS, Praying with Scripture A Guided Meditation, Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 6, WebQuest Searching for Signs of Social Sin, Reading Guide for the Splendor of the Truth, Ignatius of Loyola and the Gift of Freedom, Blooms Taxonomy and Understanding by Design. This handout guides students to recognize the importance of stories, both in our families and our faith. A lesson plan for lesson 28 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. This assignment helps students to create a poem of praise about an object in nature. Respect the Human Person. This small-group activity asks students to read and reflect on a Scripture passage from a Non-Pauline Letter in the New Testament. This is a score card to keep track of physical activities based on Samson from the Old Testament. This preassessment helps students identify what they know and want to know about concepts from Unit 2. This article explores two examples of modern worldviews and how they different from traditional religions. Students find examples in the Bible of the priestly, prophetic, and kingly work of Christ before applying it to their own lives. Students rank eight possible goals of formal education based on their importance or relevance. This writing assignment asks students to write a description of their freshman orientation to a specific audience. Divide the children into small groups, or allow them to choose a partner for this activity. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: In our world many people are very rich while at the same time many are extremely pool As Catholics, we are called to pay special attention to the needs of the poor by defending and promoting their dignity and by meeting their immediate material needs. This handout provides the scoring that should be used to interpret the accompanying Handout 9-D. For this worksheet, students choose which behaviors match how they typically respond to conflict in relationships. These answers are then used to decode a secret message. *Catholic Mass-parts of the Mass, lessons, activities, coloring, crafts, games, puzzles, etc. This handout provides several suggestions to help students draw connections between Christianity and Judaism. This handout provides a chart for students to list activities that are best to do on Sunday and those that should be saved for other days of the week. WASHINGTON (CNS) — While confusion has arisen in recent days in the media over “the moral … It allows the person not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of himself” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. What do you do or say? Solidarity: Because God is our Father, we are all brothers and sisters with the responsibility to care for one another. A guided meditation on praying with scripture from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide. ", A worksheet on sin and salvation from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love. This handout provides a list of True/False statements about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. ... A rubric for final performance tasks for Unit 8 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love." This handout provides two project possibilities for students to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts learned in Unit 3. From the laity to the clergy, every member of the Catholic Church tries to follow a prescribed moral standard and seeks to avoid living a life of sin. A rubric for final performance tasks for Unit 6 of "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide. This is a rubric to assess the final project options for Unit 1. In "How to Promote Children's Development Through Playing Group Games," author Rheta DeVries says group games are an effective tool for teaching moral development 3.Some of the games she lists include races such as a three-legged race, chasing games such as tag, verbal command games such as Simon says, card games such go fish and board games such as bingo. This preassessment poses questions about how students have come to know God. This worksheet helps students to reflect on the numerous images of the lamb found in Scripture. This handout provides a space for students to write impressions, observations, or questions that arise as they meditate on a statue of Buddha. This Mind Map helps students to organize and brainstorm ideas about friends, school, sports, and family. A teacher evaluation for interviewing someone of a different religion. This small-group activity asks students to read a Scripture passage about one of Paul’s missionary journeys. ", A look at moral law from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love. This study guide helps students reflect on the story of Jesus’ Baptism. A lesson plan for lesson 3 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Buddhism. A lesson plan for lesson 33 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. “All the law and the prophets” flow from this starting point.This means that what love requires is the essence of all moral rules, all of the Ten Commandments, and all aspects of morality spoken of by the prophets and even by Christ himself. This handout provides two role-play situations in which a couple has discovered they are pregnant. 1803). In this lesson students explore what it means to respect truth. Rights and Responsibilities: Every person has a right to life as well as a right to those things required for human decency. This is a list of characteristics to be divided among the books of the Old Testament. Ave Maria Press — Great worksheets and printable handouts for each textbook. This handout helps provides the dialogue for the students to renew their baptismal promises as a class. Students look up, read, and examine Scripture passages that provide evidence that Jesus is God. The worksheet poses several questions that ask students to reflect on how they would have stood up for their faith during the French and American Revolution. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers: The basic rights of workers must be respected: the right to productive work, fair wages, and private property; and the right to organize, join unions, and pursue economic opportunity. A lesson plan for lesson 26 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. Students think of examples when they have experienced or discovered God in creation. Students read and respond to several stories about what it means to love yourself and others. We offer Catholic high school religion textbooks, ministry … At this station, students examine objects used in Tibetan rituals. This worksheet challenges students to think about how they can value the dignity of life on a day-to-day basis. Following this decree, the Catholic Church lists homosexuality, masturbation, premarital sex, contraception and abortion as mortal sins. There are three fonts (or sources) of morality. This activity has students work individually and in small groups to read and reflect on the rules of St. Augustine, St. Benedict, and St. Francis. Students identify the liturgical season in which their birthday falls. This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Confucianism. This is a set of riddles to challenge students as they learn about Samson in the Old Testament. A lesson plan for lesson 32 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. In this lesson students explore how the Holy Trinity is revealed through liturgy. Students are challenged to reflect on several questions regarding the situation. This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Jainism. This handout presents a story about drug pushing in a school community. These activities explore the roots of Catholic social teaching in Scripture and tradition and also help younger audiences consider how to put faith in action. Two of your best friends pick on Josh fairly often. Up to the seventeenth century the moral teaching of the Church was treated as a part of general or doctrinal theology. © 2020 Loyola Press. Students identify with whom in their life they would share a list of personal pieces of information. ", A vocabulary list for Unit 1 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love. Ask the rest of the group to decide whether each decision was a good moral choice. Students identify their motivation for doing good deeds before reflecting on the role of grace in their lives. This handout provides questions for students to research on the Internet about Renaissance Humanism. This preassessment asks students to complete phrases about the concepts to be covered in Unit 4. A lesson plan for lesson 27 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. Groups must then answer questions and create a storyboard to accompany the Scripture passage. After all, children learn best by imitating those around them. This worksheet guides group members to work together as they identify the importance of the church being “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic”. In this lesson students explore what it means to use virtues and grace to live a moral life. A list of questions to ask during an interview with a married couple. Teaching Morality as Manner and as Content There are probably quite a few ways to teach morality in the context of the school, but only two of these will be explored here. This is a list of terms and definitions for Unit 1. This worksheet helps students to explore the meaning of “the Word” in John’s Gospel and throughout Scripture. For this worksheet, students look up Scripture passages that examine the words and beliefs of Jesus in each story. Students read several scenarios and rank the level of independence demonstrated. 1.Ask the Holy Spirit for help. Students look up and read several miracle stories from the New Testament before identifying common points between them. Students read a Scripture passage for an assigned station before creating an enactment and discussing questions. Solidarity is the attitude that leads Christians to share spiritual and material goods. View 24 per page A lesson plan for lesson 22 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. As you took them out of the bag, you realized that you have three notebooks, but only remember paying for two of them. Students design a monastery based on the responsibilities and needs of the monks. This handout provides three situations where teenagers are not fully respecting themselves. This handout helps students identify their talents, gifts, and personality and how these fit into God’s vocation for their lives. By Julie Asher • Catholic News Service • Posted November 24, 2020 . This handout challenges students to create a poster representing the ways they participate in Jesus’ mission to serve others. • Elements of a moral decision • The process of making a good moral choice • Dealing with temptation • Failure to choose the good as God sees it ӹ The Supports for moral living • Personal prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit • The witness of the community • Sacraments as nourishment and strength • The Communion of Saints 397 This handout provides the religious identities for five major world religions. This small-group activity provides each group with an example of Christ's mission. A lesson plan for lesson 1 in The Catholic faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. 1.One of your good friends at school just lost her dad to a heart attack. This chart allows students to organize information about the stages of salvation history. This is the rubric to assess the final project possibilities for Unit 3. This resource provides activities to help you to prepare young people for the implementation of the Roman Missal, third edition. Merry Christmas! 1.I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.2.You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.3. Distribute the following descriptions of moral dilemmas, one to each group. This handout is to be used as students rotate to various stations. The worksheet asks students to identify the purpose of grace in each and summarize the ways grace is present in their own lives. 5.Last Saturday you spent the night at your friend's house and had a really good time, except that when it was time to go to Mass on Sunday morning, no one else got up to go to church. Instructions to help students empathize with Hinduism symbols in their lives that are serving the community the... 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