fork marked lemur scientific name

[4] The female comes into estrus for three to four days in June, giving birth to a single offspring in November or December. [36] Unlike other lemurs, fork-marked lemurs do not scent-mark, and instead use vocalizations during territorial confrontations. Scientific Name: Varecia variegata. The pale fork-marked lemur is patchily distributed along a narrow strip of western Madagascar forests from just south of the Fiherenana River, including the Forêts de Mikea (Ganzhorn and Randriamanalina, 2004), north as far as Soalala (Groves and Tattersall, 1991), and it … Monogamous pairing is typical for fork-marked lemurs, and females are dominant. It is listed on Appendix I of CITES, and receives some protection from being present in several national parks, but the International Union for Conservation of Nature has assessed its conservation status as being endangered. Though we edit our accounts for accuracy, we cannot guarantee all information in those accounts. This strictly regulates their trade and forbids commercial trade. Instead, they are very vocal, making repeated calls at the beginning and end of the night. Filter by french name . Its range extends from the Masoala Peninsula southwards to Toamasina and it is present at altitudes up to about 1,000 m (3,300 ft). Animalia: information (1)Animalia: pictures (20673)Animalia: specimens (7109)Animalia: sounds (722)Animalia: maps (42) PhylumChordatachordates. Wikipedia [8] In 1850, Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire moved the fork-marked lemurs to the genus Cheirogaleus (dwarf lemurs),[9] but they were also commonly listed in the genus Microcebus (mouse lemurs). Scientific Collections ... Name Homonyms Phaner furcifer (de Blainville, 1839) Common names ... Masoala Fork-crowned Lemur in English Masoala Fork-marked Lemur in English Masoala Fork-marked Lemur in English fork-marked lemur in English Bibliographic References. green = P. pallescens[3] [30][32] They have a long tongue which assists obtaining the gum and nectar,[30][32] as well as a long caecum, which helps digest gums. The average size of a female territory is 4 hectares (9.9 acres) with a male territory averaging 3.8 hectares (9.4 acres). Pariente's fork-marked lemur (Phaner parienti), or the Sambirano fork-marked lemur is a species of lemur endemic to the Sambirano region of north-western Madagascar.This lemur has light brown to gray upperparts, a prominent facial fork and dorsal stripe that runs from the tail's tip to the point where it splits on the lemur's head to rejoin at the nose, and a white-tipped tail. Animalia: information (1)Animalia: pictures (20673)Animalia: specimens (7109)Animalia: sounds (722)Animalia: maps (42) PhylumChordatachordates. Scientific name: Common name Mirza coquereli: Coquerel’s giant mouse lemur: Mirza zaza: Northern giant mouse lemur: Phaner pallescens: Pale fork-marked lemur: Phaner parienti: Sambirano fork-marked lemur: Phaner electromontis: Montagne d’Ambre fork-marked lemur: Lepilemur betsileo: Betsileo sportive lemur: Lepilemur microdon: The specimen demonstrated a slightly different color pattern from other fork-marked lemur species. In captivity, P. furcifer strongly favored preying mantises and moths of the family Sphingidae while ignoring grasshoppers, larva of the moth genus Coeloptera, and small reptiles. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 57:166-167 (abstract). purple = P. parienti[4] One of 50 different lemur species, ring-tailed lemurs use their tails to send signals (such as “follow me”) to each other. Common Name(s): Pariente's Fork-crowned Lemur [English] Sambirano Fork-marked Lemur [English] Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: valid Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified - … Like all lemurs, they are native to Madagascar, where they are found only in the west, north, and east sides of the island. Masoala Fork-crowned Lemur area.png 180 × 360; 3 KB Phaner furcifer - 1868 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ19700028.jpg 1,765 × 2,353; 4 MB Phaner furcifer - AMNH - DSC06355.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 5.12 MB [42] Like the other cheirogaleids, these lemurs are nocturnal, sleeping in tree hollows (typically in large baobab trees) or abandoned nests built by giant mouse lemurs (Mirza coquereli) during the day. The Masoala fork-marked lemur ( Phaner furcifer ), also known as the eastern fork-marked lemur or Masoala fork-crowned lemur, is a species of lemur found in the coastal forests of northeastern Madagascar. Females have a narrow, bare patch of white skin in the same location, but theirs does not appear to produce secretions. It occurs in moist lowland forests. Crowned lemur. Like other cheirogaleids, their first lower premolar (P2) is caniniform and large, while the cingulids (ridges) on the three lower premolars are more developed compared to most other cheirogaleids. [35] The molars are relatively small compared to other cheirogaleids, with the second upper and lower molars (M2 and M2) having reduced functionality compared to those of mouse lemurs. [6][30] Their procumbent (forward-facing) lemuriform toothcomb (formed by the lower incisors and canines) is long[32] and more compressed, with significantly reduced interdental spaces to minimize the accumulation of gum between the teeth. [37] While running, they can leap 4 to 5 m (13 to 16 ft) horizontally between tree branches without losing height or as much as 10 m (33 ft) while falling a short distance. P. furcifer is a specialist feeder on the gum that exudes from insect holes on the surface of certain trees, but it supplements its gum diet with insect prey. Fork-marked Lemur. [21] Analyses based on morphology, immunology, and repetitive DNA have given contradictory placements of Phaner, while studies in 2001 and 2008 either lacked data or yielded poor resolution of their placement. Certain beetle larvae burrow just under the bark of Terminalia and leave characteristic galleries that ooze gum. averaged 27.2 ±0.4 cm in head-body length; 34.4 ±0.2 cm in tail length, and 387 ±35 g in weight. COMMON NAME: Eastern Fork-Marked Lemur. In October, a specimen was observed, captured, and released, although genetic tests have yet to determine if it is a new species. They are the most phylogenetically distinct of the cheirogaleids, and considered a sister group to the rest of the family. Only the pale fork-marked lemur (P. pallescens) has been studied relatively well, primarily by Pierre Charles-Dominique, Jean-Jacques Petter, and Georges Pariente during two expeditions in the 1970s and a more extensive 1998 study in Kirindy Forest. Phaner pallescens is the palest and possibly the smallest of the fork-marked lemurs. This prohibited hunting and capture without authorization, which would only be given for scientific purposes or the national interest. Scientific name: Common name Mirza coquereli: Coquerel’s giant mouse lemur: Mirza zaza: Northern giant mouse lemur: Phaner pallescens: Pale fork-marked lemur: Phaner parienti: Sambirano fork-marked lemur: Phaner electromontis: Montagne d’Ambre fork-marked lemur: Lepilemur betsileo: Betsileo sportive lemur: Lepilemur microdon: Lemur diversity. Phaner: pictures (1) Related Taxa. d'Ambre Fork-crowned Lemur in English Mt. [30] Males have a scent gland on the middle of their throat,[27] which is approximately 20 mm (0.79 in) wide and pink in color. [37][36][47] Multiple family groups may gather in these meeting areas, and females will often socialize with the other females and young. Females have not been observed giving birth in consecutive years. [6][13] In 2001, Groves elevated all four subspecies to species status[6][14] based on noticeable color, size, and body proportion differences between the fragmented populations. [30] Fork-marked lemurs are not found in the southern spiny forests in the dry southern part of the island, and only recently have been reported from the southeastern rainforest at Andohahela National Park, though this has not been confirmed. [46] In areas where territory overlap occurs ("meeting areas"), several neighbors may gather and vocalize together without aggression. They were also protected under CITES Appendix I as of 1973. Family Cheirogaleidae consists of the mouse lemurs (smallest of all primates), the dwarf lemurs, and the fork-marked lemurs and their allies. [32] They are also commonly found in secondary forest, but not in areas lacking continuous forest cover. The same Terminalia trees are exploited by day by a bird, the crested coua (Coua cristata), which also feeds on gum. Category: Lemur. Red Brown Lemur. Similarly, other fork-marked lemur species also occur over a wide range of elevations (Mittermeier et al. [36] Females have two pairs of nipples. Red Ruffed Lemur. [52] Females are also dominant over non-resident males, indicating true female dominance, comparable to that seen in the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta). As their name suggests, black-and-white ruffed lemurs have black and white bodies. [36] Infants are initially parked in unguarded tree holes while the mother forages. [36][53] Older infants have not been observed clinging to the mother, and as they get older, they are parked in vegetation until they can move independently. Category: Lemur. It is listed on CITES Appendix I. Red-fronted lemur Verreaux's sifaka Red-tailed sportive lemur Western fat-tailed dwarf lemur Coquerel's dwarf lemur Gray Mouse lemur Madame Berthe's mouse lemur Fork-marked lemur Fossa Narrow-striped mongoose White-breasted mesite They were originally placed in the genus Lemur in 1839, later moved between the genera Cheirogaleus and Microcebus, and given their own genus in 1870 by John Edward Gray. In 1904, Theodore Sherman Palmer attempted to document the etymologies of all mammalian taxa, but could not definitively explain the origins of the generic name Phaner, noting only that it derived from the Greek φανερός (phaneros) meaning "visible, evident". ... Common Name: Black-and-white ruffed lemur. HABITAT: rainforest. For gripping tree trunks and large branches, they have large hands and feet with extended pads on the digits, as well as claw-like nails. [1], The social system of the Masoala fork-marked lemur has been described as pre-gregarious. Although enforcement is patchy, they are also protected under Malagasy law. These species live in a wide variety of habitats, ranging from dry deciduous forests to rainforests, and run quadrupedally across branches. Name Homonyms Phaner electromontis Groves & Tattersall, 1991 Common names Montagne d'Ambre Fork-marked Lemur in English Montagne d'Ambre Fork-marked Lemur in English Mt. Hunting usually occurs later at night, following gum collection, and typically happens in the canopy or on tree trunks. [14][34] Their upper anterior premolars (P2) are caniniform (canine-shaped)[30][32] and more pronounced than in any other living lemur. Fork-marked lemurs either consume the gum as it seeps from cracks in the bark of parasitized trees or gouge open the bark with their toothcomb to scoop it up directly with their long tongue. Both patterns of sexual dimorphism are consistent with the theory of sexual selection for monogamous species and female dominance respectively. Order: Primates. [27][30] The lemurs' ears are relatively large and membranous. It is a small nocturnal animal with large eyes, greyish fur and a long tail. They include the smallest primate in the world, Madame Berthe's mouse lemur, which weighs 30 gra Black lemur ... Gray mouse lemur. Scientific Name: Lemur catta. [28], Fork-marked lemurs' dorsal (back) fur is either light brown or light grayish-brown, while their ventral (underside) fur can be yellow, cream, white, or pale brown. Phaner electromontis is a light gray species of fork-marked lemur. It has a complex itinerary which it regularly follows, and later in the night it visits other less-favoured gum-sources and returns to the previously visited trees and gleans any gum it has missed. Competition with other cheirogaleids, such as the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) and Coquerel's giant mouse lemur (Mirza coquereli), is most intense for Terminalia gum during the dry season, but fork-marked lemurs always drive the other lemur species off. d'Ambre Fork-crowned Lemur If the brown mouse lemur reminded you even a smidgen of the sugar glider, then the fork-marked lemur must look like the sugar glider's twin! Black lemur ... Gray mouse lemur. [32] They are not known to estivate or accumulate fat reserves for the dry season. [34] The upper canines are large, with their tips curved. [2] Before this assessment, it was assumed that their population was in decline due to habitat destruction for the creation of pasture and agriculture. The animal moves on all fours, running rapidly along branches, climbing and jumping, mostly at a few metres above the ground, but descending to the forest floor on occasion. The best known of these is the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta), commonly seen in zoos. Guides and entrance fees. [4], This species is nocturnal and has a territory containing about three exclusive Terminalia trees and access to about nine more in overlapping territories. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Madagascar . [18], Fork-marked lemurs were called "fork-marked dwarf lemurs" by Henry Ogg Forbes in 1894 and "fork-crowned mouse lemur" by English missionary and naturalist James Sibree in 1895. [4] The rest of the pelage is some shade of reddish or brownish grey. [7] The favoured food sources are trees in the genus Terminalia, but certain other tree species also provide gum, including Adansonia spp., and the buds of Zanthoxylum tsihanimposa. [4], Gum is low in nitrogen content, and the Masoala fork-marked lemur needs to supplement its diet with animal prey, which it stalks on the tree bark and among the foliage, catching it with its hands and stuffing it into its mouth. Fork-marked lemurs are among the least studied of all lemurs and are some of the largest members of the family Cheirogaleidae, weighing around 350 grams (12 oz) or more. Definition of Fork-marked lemur in the dictionary. [32][44] Just before dawn, they also communicate again on their way to their sleep site. Phaner Gray, 1870 – fork-marked lemurs : Direct Children: Species: Phaner electromontis Groves and Tattersall, 1991 – Montagne d'Ambre Fork-marked Lemur, Mt. Fork-marked lemurs are rarely kept in captivity,[37] and their captive lifespan can range from 12[57] to 25 years. The aye-aye, mouse lemurs, woolly lemurs, and sportive lemurs are nocturnal, while ring-tailed lemurs and most of their kin, sifakas, and indri are diurnal. ANIMAL LIFE EXPECTANCY live longer live better . Common Name(s): fork-marked lemur [English] Masoala Fork-crowned Lemur [English] Masoala Fork-marked Lemur [English] Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: valid Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met 1985. [19], A study in 2009 of seven mitochondrial genes (mtDNA) and three nuclear genes grouped fork-marked lemurs with sportive lemurs (family Lepilemuridae), offering a host of explanations, such as a possible hybridization (introgression) following the initial split between the families. [6][8] A black stripe extends from the tail, along the dorsal midline to the head, where it forks at the top of the head in a distinguishing Y-shape leading to the dark rings around both eyes, and sometimes extends down the snout. Category: Lemur. Microcebus : Mouse Lemurs ... Amber Mountain Fork-marked Lemur. Fork-marked lemur-Wikipedia. The gray mouse lemur is one of as many as 21 tiny, nocturnal mouse lemur … German: Montagne d’ Ambre-Gabelstreifenmaki. This structure consists of a row of lower incisors that are long and forward pointing. Discover How Long Eastern lesser bamboo lemur Lives. Skip to main content. [45], Fork-marked lemurs are sensitive to light intensity,[44] and emerge at twilight, calling numerous times and answering their neighbors' calls before going off to forage. averaged 27.2 ±0.4 cm in head-body length; 34.4 ±0.2 cm in tail length, and 387 ±35 g in weight. KingdomAnimaliaanimals. Filter by malagasy name . Suborder: Strepsirrhini. Ring-tailed lemurs use their famously characteristic tail in many ways. Their high-pitched, whistling calls help researchers identify them in the field. [6] As well as their stress call and fighting call, they emit a Hon call (contact call between male-female pairs), Ki and Kiu calls (more excited contact calls that identify the caller), and a Kea call (a loud call shared between males in adjacent territories). 2008). They get their name from the dark stripe that runs from their back and forks on their head to their eyes. The pale fork-marked lemur ( Phaner pallescens ), or western fork-marked lemur, is known from western Madagascar; south of the Fiherenana River to the region of Soalala. The head-and-body length is in the range 227 to 285 mm (9 to 11 in), with a tail of 285 to 370 mm (11 to 15 in). orange = P. electromontis[5]. [6][54] Their diet consists mainly of gum from trees in the genus Terminalia (known locally as "Talinala"),[6][42][55] which are often parasitized by beetle larvae that burrow beneath the bark. Produce secretions consecutive years may also exist elsewhere on the web 45 ] to... Names: King Phanor ( sic ), commonly seen in zoos head length measures 23 29... One out of every three days ] Nest fork marked lemur scientific name among pairs occurs one out of every three days and without... [ 17 ], other nocturnal lemurs are the among the least studied of all lemurs, large! Dark ring around each eye gums compose the majority of the family Antongil Bay areas lacking continuous forest.! Name Homonyms Phaner electromontis ( Amber Mountain Fork Marked lemur is endemic to,! This species has a dark ring around each eye Antongil Bay Physical Anthropology (... Use their famously characteristic tail in many ways is the palest and possibly the of! Range of calls night when the main gum-gathering activities are over lemur catta,! By E. E. Louis Jr. has suggested that undescribed varieties may also exist elsewhere fork marked lemur scientific name the island genus or. Identified, particularly in northeast Madagascar While feeding, females can weigh than... 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