krishna praises karna

Karna lived in Palaces with Princes had loving foster parents who were very well off. Now since you have quoted geeta and yoga vashistha in the same post let me show how they contradict ! BUT KARNA could never get rid of JEALOUSY towards ARJUN to the point he could not abide by LORD KRISHNA and KUNTI and SURYA [ the giver of KAVACH] . Mahabharatha Tatparya Nirnaya Ans : Dhrona was not cursed by his guru as Karan was.Hence poor fortune. Everyone knows tht he made no faults but still was cursed unjustly as a part of destiny’s play. Sumeet , try to answer question as it is raised , and turn to basics no scripture written by a human is considered pramana if not supported by vedic verses , so even if vedvyasa has written linga purana skanda etc tehey are not considered pramana , and only the portions which are in unison with veda are considered authentic , similarly Yoga vashishtha is not considered authentic . Let me put some more simple question . Kunti’s sister Srutasrava was the mother of Sishupala. Vijayeendra is ruju , and guru of Sudheendra teertha , influence of Vijayeendra on raghavendrateerth is well known , which can be guaged as he is known as vijayeendra karabjottham . vRusha means Karna. After the behavior you have displayed you shouldn’t feel surprised if you are not welcomed until you mend your ways. The translation clearly says ” Arjuna could not stand the expertise of Karna and invited him to fight on that stage” . Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Having said these words unto Arjuna, Krishna addressed the soldiers, saying, "Blessed be ye, stand all of you carefully, facing the foe!" Sammohan will make the enemies stunned ( u can say like — comma sort of thing ) and pravaapaastra will put enemies to sleep. ?…..parsuram agreed to teach him when he lied he was a bhraman…parsuram took oath to teach only khastriya and brhaman..and by birth karna was a khsatriya (kunti’s son)…shouldn’t have parsurams curse be nullified…why did it not get nullified….why is it that only boons are nullified and not curse…krishna knew of it ( as a god) should he have been compensated….didnt arjun commit a crime by killing his elder brother..??? Arjuna defeated Karna in the battlefield You people are not paramgyani antaryami either. Ashwattama had planned to receive Chakra from Sri Krishna and use the same to kill him. Arjuna did not like Krishna praising Karna, but due to hesitation he did not use to complain anything about this. Krishna said "Arjuna, distribute these two mountains of gold among the villagers, but you must donate every last bit of gold". Then it should be wise of you not to accept a challenge of debate , because you seem to be miserable in it not able to answer a single question . Your debates were very healthy and we all enjoyed it as it gave us opportunity to analyse more and more the socio geographical aspects of MAhabharat era … Reasonable you definitely were . Though this by itself doesnt prove anything but what follows is more deviant and moronic exhibition of stupidity and perverse intellect. A very apt illustration. [ getting support of enemies enemy ], He was even offered a chance to Rule over his Rival ARJUN by KRISHNA [ is it not a good fortune ], Except for the sanskara of SUTA all his life he led a life akin to a glorified  KSHATRIYA . aparaspara saMbhUtaM kimanyatkAmahaitukam.h ||. Or Pitrus themselves must be God . boon and purposely lost to Karna after defeating him 21 times. SO kavach and Kundal were not something that could save KArna’s LIFE . Moreover, kunti voluntarily gave the mantra to madri as she thought her sister should also b blessed with children. this in no way hampers panchahedha . Arjuna went into the village, and proclaimed he was going to donate gold to every villager, and asked them to gather near the mountain. I would like to clarify my self, few months back i had written,I was take back….. That is why Krishna says: Get hold of any one of these chains that are stretched out from the common centre. your posts only reflect that you are stuck with YV . taking it as a testimony if few sumeet and Neeraj get astray its not surprising . then you can called be scholar . [ as if there is no role of karma GOD and destiny ] If mahabharat is read minutely we come to know that Arjun uses sanmohan astra many times during 18 days war .against samshaptaks . Second point you seem to impress is that Geeta is in coherence with YV. Arjuna did that. Change ). Sugriva as a king commanded Vayu , Drona commanded in gurukul . This is the icident in upanishat when Indra performs mahavrat yagnya after killing vrutrasur and Vishwamitra is presiding hotru . This means that observing such great quality of Karna, allthe virtuous people assembled there were very happy. The villagers sang his praises and Arjuna walked towards the mountain with a huffed up chest. and thus by other parts of Vedas it can be concluded that Surya referneced is Vishnu . My readings of the Mahabharat are mostly based on the KMG translation as well as the translation of the critical edition by Bibek Debroy. Only 2 people knew this and they were bheeshma and arjuna. His father SURYA always spoke to him in the times of distress [ Is it not good fortune ], He was recognised by the whole world as a potential rival to ARJUN by whole world [ takshak’s son chose him to take revenge ] is it not good fortune . It was about to happen when suddenly fate interfered. The Creator resides in the hearts of all creatures; He makes them act, as though they were parts mounted on a machine. So all the examples have to observed through a lens under scrutiny of context, logic, commitment and intentions. Being pushed back by Arjuna, Karna began coming forward … [boon overtaken][ boon to muchikunda honoured], Samshaptakas had boon from Shiva [ not to lose in a battle ] but lose terribly to Arjun [ boon overtaken], Kritavarma had a boon from Krishna , that he would be Invincible on a chosen day [ boon honoured ], Satyaki had a boon from Krishna , that he would be invincible for a day [ boon honoured when he defeats all the kauravas]. Karna feared losing LIFE despite KAVACH KUNDAL . Ans : let me give tatiriyopanishad : This is why stupid fools indulge in Hari Dwesha and go to hell. [ boon is overtaken]. 11. Its funny insaan to apne bhavishya ka to pata naheen lekin doosre ke bhagya pe apneaap ko supreme authority maante hain. Sumeet , your statement Geeta was direted at people and YV was directed at Lord . Bheeshma was nt affected by this astra as he is a sidha of prashvaapaastra but he pretended to be affected just to respect the astra. (253) Niraj said: October 5, 2009 at 22:38. Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed? Even Karna would be terribly ashamed of your unworthy persona and behavior. much like character of Kamal Hassan in SAGAR , these people rejoice/sulk in the failures and disabilities [ mere saat hi aisa kyun hota mrs dsouza ] .. all the while they fail to understand their karma and present karma [ read actions ] which are faulty … yet they blame HARI for their failures ,,feel jealous [ internally ] about other’s success and attribute it good fortune and sympathisers say [ GOD ne tumhare saath bahut nainsafi kiya ] .. some evil ignites latent hate and jealousy and coupled with ego [ what if fortune deludes me , I shall fight my own destiny with this new found borrowed opportunity of villain … Looks like a statement made in haste and before gauging whom it is being addressed to. He has clearly mentioned tht it is not his personal thought but a fact. SHIVA is perfect BHAGAVAT .. Even brahma does nt escape from his karma… what to say abt indra? Your statement about vidya guru is acceptable . We will exchange our ideas and information for sure through email.I have dropped u a mail. Karna is given to austereties. •His repentance of not having Drona’s tutorship was well compensated by PARSHURAM [ Drona ‘s guru ] that made him equal to Drona himself [ is it not good fortune ] He even went on war with him. 7) Call bhairav defeated all gods during daksha yagna… He did this as he is a amsha of shiva. 'Karna! Karna's revenge cannot be justified but he had already payed for his sins during his lifetime. karna-the-unfortunate-jealous-and-egoistic-warrior, Effect of the debilitated planet – Yudhisthira, could pandavas have avoided the dyut krida and vanvaas, Efforts- Bheema and Yudhisthira a dialogue, ShriKrishnamrutamaharnav ! Though Kunti recognized him as her son, she did not say so out of shame. It would be counterproductive if one keeps calling Sri Krishna God and keep putting constraints on him, attributing imperfections and indulging in other such actions. Again many points raised are utterly redundant, logic is absent, no grasp of basic concepts, farcical conclusions and pathetic sense of humor !!! These guys kept on rejecting any proposals to associate with Satvik people making all sort of excuses. Seems that some unknown friend of mine is trying to give sensational online coverage to me. Books have been published against these 2 saying tht they were imperfect.Vaadiraaja teertha has been prayed even by vyasteertha and raghottama teertha. MBTN is quite generous towards Karna as well. All puraans agree to this fact. Krishna, via Dronacharya, eliminated Ekalavya as a future threat. Her stupid question HE knows VASUDEV is JAGADRAKSHAK .. so he allows PARVATI to follow RAVANA … In such case moola rupa assists its amsha to carry out the prarabdha . Once, leaving aside his hesitation , Arjuna asked Krishna , why he always praises Karna so much, even when he (Arjuna) used to give so much respect to him (Krishna). and carry out the karma . Unto a blinding darkness (eternal hell) enter those who worship falsely. Ans: His father SURYA never spoke to him till Krishan at the time of War told karana about it. let us analyse ; SO at times boons were honoured and at times boons were dishonured to show that KRISHNA is the master of the UNIVERSE and not the bestower of these boons . Drupad had a boon from Surya that he is invincible within 100 yojanas of his kingdom. so all these are different amshas of SUN . Saw some translations from MBTN. yesh tapannevasmi [ the same one is as avesha in Indra ] The main aim of studying Ramayana, Mahabharata which is yudha between dharma and adharma,which goes on in this samsara.When we see the end result there is a win to Dharma the Lord.Who ever stood by dharma or Lord were victorious.One cannot say he is dharmic and support adharma silently.Those who do not abide by Dharma,will not be spared is the message,and those who are with dharma will have a Vijaya. When one looks through this prism the real measure of these expressions are revealed. 2)Had he used prashvaapaastra on arjun he would hav been defeated in virat yudh but he does nt do this as he did nt want to kill his own family member and also not to strengthen duryodhan by killing arjun. The bees inside the box were protected by vayu himself. SHIVA is all knowing and as RAVANa was not eligible for the atmalinga he deluded him by accompanying with PARVATI and also igniting kama in RAVANA .. it seems NEERAJ study has brought forward a new socio political scenario in mahabharata times where KINGS of entire world east west north south and sapta lokas heeded to voice of GOOD VEDVYASA ji to become one under single roof of PANDAVAS …even though they did not like PANDAVAS … and same people joined DURYODHANA to fight with pandavas later [ and here great study of NEERAJ reveals that VEDVYASA did not choose to advise kins not to fight and not to allign with DURYODHAN and avoid war … or perhaps study is pointing at the fact that despite VEDVYASA jis words KINGS chose to ignore him out of fear of Duryodhan and joined him to oppose PANDAVAS .. so the great understanding is KINGS had selective ability of honoring VEDVYAS words ] Come, join us. Later, Krishna praises her and discloses the Pandavas' real identity to Drupad. After this, Karna secured Salya as his good and efficient charioteer; Karna looked at Krishna disbelievingly. Even Balarama got upset with Sri Krishna due to Syamantaka Gem. So acknowledging his father was the best thing he could have done.!! the position of Brahma. IF VAshishtha knew everything then are trying to say RAM was sitting ignorant before him to learn things ? Therefore, Sri Vedavyasa asked Bhima to play the principal role by undertaking digvijayayatra. ( Bhagdatta had the Vaishnava weapon hence he may be inferior to Bhima but not to Arjuna becoz when he fired the Vaishnava weapon the Lord had to come in between and the weapon became a garland of flowers – Arjuna could not kill Bhagdatta without Krishnas help in kurukshetra hence its proven tribute and defeat are 2 different things. ) So he does not have a counter for Karna and since Karna has a Vasava shakti, it is a big barrier towards the victory of Dharma. RAjsuya yagya is completed . Everyone Should Read This Wonderful Story Where Krishna Praises Karna Instead Of Arjun. The mountains beside the path they were walking on turned into gold. INDRA took back the KAVACH because KArna had to be killed for his misdeeds . He even fought with Parashurama When vayu is there, u dont bring vishnu into picture but when it comes to surya u say tht it is vishnu in him who gives him power. [ ALSO IT SAVED KARNA FROM UTTER DISGRACE again good fortune ]. it is illusive doctrine , i have quoted enough and given explanation , no amount of blbering is going to help you dear, you need to prove your dictrine with proofs and not just making statements . However, Sri Vedavyasa said Kichaka; Karna etc will give tributes to Bhima without much grumbling, ( here we see Sri Vyasa sanctioning that Karna will not battle Sri Vyasa was a highly influential person hence even by what I have found out on MBTN its sanctioned that on Vyasas instructions Karna paid tribute but that does not mean defeat as tribute and defeat are 2 different things ) therefore, he should lead digvijayayatra. it’s people like you who are spoiling the sancitity of this blog… I can only pity your admant admiration for Karna… if you had a fraction of this enthusiasm for fandom of HARI then you will have done well with this rare gift of human birth…. siding with villain is more out of sulk , despair at misfortune … and partial hate towards GOD and his fortunate devotees …, BUT think with heart … you sympathise ..yes man GUY had everything only misfortune took the toll …. IS GOD not all knowing omnipotent ? Devaki, Vasudeva and Bheeshma’s breach of Dharma so lord answers vishwamitra it me who in the surya mandal is avishta in Indra . I myself have… So after hanuman was injured, vayu became furious and stopped the supply of air……. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. try to answer questions raised with logical explanation . This is also reflected in GANDHARVA episode , KARNA was captivated , a warrior will give life rather than get captivated , One gets captivated when he is helpless and fears LIfe . This is nothing but self praise due to ahankar. Such low iq guys getting attracted to simple philosophies is no surprise . •He had the protection of highest KInd [ KAVACH and KUndal] is it not good fortune . Notes: Admin Vaishnavi Narrating an exciting Story About It. This is not right. Most villagers came back and stood in queue within minutes. Stories of Krishna:- The war of Mahabharata was going on Lord Krishna was Arjuna’s charioteer On that day Arjuna was fighting against Maharathi Karna. Karna was equal to Arjuna in archery. Mr. Praveens statement Sri Vedavyasa arrived and instructed Yudhishtira to make all preparations. Once he is declared as a brahmarishi his misadventures like the dog eating episode or menaka episode can’t be used as an excuse to challenge his greatness. To Which Krishna … For all other devatas even avatara does not carry same qualities as moola rupa . devakIvasudevAdyA menire mAnushhaM harim.h | By the time he gains consciuosness duryodhan has been set free by pandavaas. Rivalry did not start then , rivalry was within jealousy of KARNA when he asked for upadesha of bramahstara [ to hill arjun ] from DRONACHARYA ..that was decades before the competition .. KARNA knew in ordinary archery he is no MATCH to ARJUN .. so he wanted better astras and highest astras which only BRAMHANAS were taught .. thus he shunned DRONACHARYA and went to PARSHURAAM .. here he lied because he knew he would not be taught bramahstra .. NOW LORD parshuram taught him bramhastra [ seeing his zeal and to encourage DUryodhan wage a war against pandavas banking on KARNA in future ] .. but cursed him so that the could not recollect it at nick of the moment … JUSTICE of GOD is equanimous . Can one mortal decide the destiny of another.”. this laughable , does God RAM require a sermon from Vashishtha or Vishwamitra ? ), the invulnerable hero of the Indian epic Mahabharata, as a hero on the vanquished side. So what ever indra does … he wont get any sin according to u te ye shatam devagandharvanam ananda: | sa ekah pitrunam chirloklokanam ananda: |shrotriyasya chakamahatasya | And neither do you know my age . ( Log Out /  Recollect the story of ahiraavan whose life was in the five bees kept in a small box surronded and protected by agni himself. Karna is praised many times by Lord Krishna. Saying God is a a myth is form of hate towards GOD , stated in BHAGAVATpurana . Change ). so the incident of bheeshma winning Parshuram seems not logical. it will be repitition . ( Log Out /  The teacher within will teach all the creeds, all the philosophies. But Krishna praises only Karna. Karna was a pataki as he had associated with dusta people and hence was engulfed with pappa. Astroanalysis, Daiva vs Purushartha - can destiny be changed?, karma, mahabharath. While Arjun was unconscious, Karna decided to utilize the time in extracting the wheel of his chariot. She advised him to pay the tributes. So sun cannot be greater than Vayu . There is a difference between a fight and a tennis match. Lord Krishna Praised Karna for his Qualities and Karna Praised Lord Krishna for His Divinity. Karna had the victory bow of Shiva given by Lord Parashurama. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. all just went for a pleasure ride on horse back towards all directions of earth and came back with enormous booty which everyone gladly gave them owing to immense respect and honour on the words of SAGE VEDVYASA and words of near and dear one … and YUDHISTHIR had a cakewalk and became Ek chatra SARVABHAUMA of the universe .. So acknowledging his father was the best thing he could have done.!!! This streak as Dambodhbhava in Karna is being shunned and warned against by Acharya Madhva in MBTN. Even Kripacharya is one among the traitors of Sri Krishna by taking Duryodhana’s side. and do not have understading of basic geeta . Karna –“They are not my brothers. •EVEN when PAndavs were langusihing in forests , HE always had a Kingdom of his own and an emperor as a freind [ is it not good fortune ] Just imagine being in presence of Hari and all this foolish boy could think of was revenge and acquisition. Gurus are such people tht only god knows what’s their limit of caliber is. At kukukshetra imagine being in presence of Hari and all this foolish boy could think was! Give up his golden impenetrable armor tell you that there are different universes and solar,... > vara Bheemsen tore jarasnadha many times by Lord Krishna praised Karna for his sins during his lifetime the over... Without Krishna ’ s death and so could nt use this astra again in kurukshetra invincible ie because... Now those scriptures which are not in accordance with these are known have! To complain anything about this away under the regulation of Mukhya prana share... 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