methods of irrigation and their suitability

The choice of an irrigation method also depends on the irrigation tradition within the region or country. Water application efficiency (see Annex 4, step 8) is generally higher with sprinkler and drip irrigation than surface irrigation and so these methods are preferred when water is in short supply. Among all the irrigation methods, the drip irrigation is the most efficient and it can be practised in a large variety of crops, especially in vegetables, orchard crops, flowers and plantation crops. The suitability of the various irrigation methods, i.e. However, the climate supports cultivation throughout the year. The equipment needed is often easier to maintain and less dependent on the availability of foreign currency. Nutrients may also be provided to the crops through irrigation. These types of irrigation systems are practised based on the different types of soils, climates, crops and resources. Furrow irrigation is best used for irrigating row crops such as maize, vegetables and trees. Type of crop. In this type, drops of water are delivered near the roots of the plants. Optimum irrigation management is an important factor in precise agriculture. Irrigation would provide farmers with sustained livelihoods and improve their general well-being. Droughts and famines are caused due to low rainfall. This requires skill, organization and frequently the use of foreign currency for fuel, equipment and spare parts. Natural conditions. Surface irrigation requires accurate land levelling, regular maintenance and a high level of farmers' organization to operate the system. In this, the water is distributed by a sprinkler system moving in a circular pattern. Here a pump is connected to pipes which generate pressure and water is sprinkled through nozzles of pipes. Spraying it under pressure 2. On loam or clay soils all three irrigation methods can be used, but surface irrigation is more commonly found. Testing of the various methods - under Basin irrigation is the simplest of the surface irrigation methods. If, on the other hand, a large amount of irrigation water is to be applied per application, e.g. A sprinkler system, as its name suggests, sprinkles water over the crop and helps in an even distribution of water. The sediments may clog the drip or sprinkler irrigation systems. Thus the proper method is to be used for the best cultivation. Irrigation methods is the fifth in a series of training manuals on irrigation. Let us have a look at different types of irrigation and the methods used for irrigation. The net irrigation application values used are only a rough guide. b. About seventy per cent of the human body consists of water while plants contain almost 90 per cent of water. The type of technology affects the choice of irrigation method. This method can also be used in regions where water availability is less. Your email address will not be published. Water is an essential element for survival. This section discusses some of the important factors which should be taken into account when determining which surface irrigation method is most suitable: basin, furrow or border irrigation. Drip irrigation is suited to irrigating individual plants or trees or row crops such as vegetables and sugarcane. This a labour intensive and time-consuming system of irrigation. But its efficiency is poor because of the uneven distribution of water. The approximate rooting depths of the most Important field crops are given in Volume 4. Factors to be taken into account include: Flat lands, with a slope of 0.1% or less, are best suited for basin irrigation: little land levelling will be required. Here, the water is distributed through watering cans by manual labour. The sizes of the furrows, borders and basins have been discussed in the previous chapters. Clay soils with low infiltration rates are ideally suited to surface irrigation. 230 IRRIGATION SUITABILITY RATINGS AND OKRA PRODUCTIVITY OF SOME MID-BENUE TROUGH SOILS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 1Abagyeh, S. O. I., 2Ibo, P. I. and 1Idoga, S. 1Department of Soil Science, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Makurdi, Benue State 2Benue Agricultural and Rural Development Authority, Makurdi, Benue State Corresponding Author’s e-mail: … Sub Surface Irrigation. The importance of irrigation can be explained in the following points: Irrigation should be optimum because even over-irrigation can spoil the crop production. Irrigation offers moisture required for growth and development, germination and other related functions. Among these, the pump system is the most common and used widely. The main objective of this research is to compare different irrigation methods based upon a parametric evaluation system in an area of 41,200 ha in the Rasht region, north Iran. To maintain the equipment a high level of 'know-how' has to be available,. In these regions suitability classes of irrigation can be increased with drip and sprinkler methods: Still, we have to depend on some outside sources to fulfil the water requirements of our body. The suitability of the various irrigation methods, i.e. Irrigation increases the availability of water supply, which in turn increases the income of the farmers. This is often done by machines. ADVERTISEMENTS: Read this article to learn about the important methods of irrigation, i.e., (1) Surface Irrigation (2) Overhead or Sprinkler Irrigation (3) Drip or Trickle Irrigation. An exception is rice grown on terraces on sloping lands. Residual Sodium Carbonate (R.S.C.) Hence, […] If irrigation is used traditionally, it is usually simpler to improve the traditional irrigation method than it is to introduce a previously unknown method. Also, we have published details of some of these irrigation methods. The different types of irrigation include- sprinkler irrigation, surface irrigation, drip irrigation, sub-irrigation and manual irrigation. The results demonstrated that by applying sprinkle irrigation instead of surface and drip irrigation methods, the arability of 21,250 ha 共72.53%兲 in the Abbas Plain will improve. The manual describes in some detail the basin and furrow irrigation methods. Especially if the basins are small, they can be constructed by hand or animal traction. The module also highlights the advantages and d isad vantages of the d ifferent irrigation system s, as well as their suitability based on physical constraints and cropping system . have their advantages and disadvantages. The suitability of the various irrigation methods, i.e., surface, sprinkler or drip irrigation depends mainly on the following factors: a. The process of supplying water to the crops is known as irrigation. It was very useful for my seminar presentation. METHODS OF IRRIGATION - SUITABILITY, ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS Water application methods are grouped as: 1. Factors affecting the suitability of an irrigation method. A. Sprinkler and drip irrigation, because of their high capital investment per hectare, are mostly used for high value cash crops, such as vegetables and fruit trees. Furrow irrigation can be used on flat land (short, near horizontal furrows), and on mildly sloping land with a slope of maximum 0.5%. Water is applied from a channel located at the upper reach of the Loss of water by conveyance and deep percolation is high and the efficiency of irrigation is only 40-50% at field level in this method of irrigation. The frequency, rate, amount and time of irrigation are different for different crops and also vary according to the types of soil and seasons. Excess water leads to waterlogging, hinder germination, increased salt concentration and uprooting because roots can’t withstand standing water. In areas of supplementary irrigation, sprinkler or drip irrigation may be more suitable than surface irrigation because of their flexibility and adaptability to varying irrigation demands on the farm. This type of irrigation is rarely used as it requires more maintenance. They are seldom used for the lower value staple crops. Here, a farmer pulls out water from wells or canals by himself or using cattle and carries to farming fields. For the operation of furrow and border irrigation systems more labour is required combined with more skill. maize, sorghum, trees, etc. This chapter gives some very broad guidance and indicates several important criteria in the selection of a suitable irrigation method. best. When a variety of different soil types is found within one irrigation scheme, sprinkler or drip irrigation are recommended as they will ensure a more even water distribution. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of the land for surface irrigation using GIS based weighted overlay analysis of individual parameters for better utilization of land resources. Figure 65 Surface irrigation requires a high labour input. If there is no tradition in irrigation, the most simple irrigation method to introduce is basin irrigation. ( 2014 ) proposed a model to assess and map irrigation water well suitability using geospatial analysis. Surface irrigation is preferred if the irrigation water contains much sediment. 18 Methods Of Irrigation - Suitability, Advantages And ... ... Sign in the prevailing local conditions - provides the best basis for a sound choice Surface II. A statistical method will be used to identify the best locations to sample soil for the purpose of assessing the scale of the opportunity for irrigation across the regions. The productivity on irrigated land is higher as compared to the un-irrigated land. ( 2012 ) and El Omran et al. surface, sprinkler or drip irrigation, depends mainly on the following factors: The natural conditions such as soil type, slope, climate, water quality and availability, have the following impact on the choice of an irrigation method: Sandy soils have a low water storage capacity and a high infiltration rate. Applying it beneath the soil surface 4. Testing of the various methods – under the prevailing local conditions – provides the best basis for a sound choice of irrigation method. The various sources of water for irrigation are wells, ponds, lakes, canals, tube-wells and even dams. Sprinkler and drip irrigation require little land levelling; system operation and maintenance are less labour-intensive. Basin Irrigation method is primarily used for crops that stand in water for more extended periods, flat lands where rice is grown or in terraces on hillsides. The servicing of the equipment may be problematic and the costs may be high compared to the benefits. Irrigation is the process of supplying water to the land at regular intervals by means of canals and other artificial methods, to enhance agricultural growth and maintain the landscape during the periods of less average rainfall. Under very windy conditions, drip or surface irrigation methods are preferred. Borders require the highest level of sophistication. Varied quantities of water are allowed on the fields at different times. A minimum slope of 0.05% is recommended to assist drainage. Surface irrigation systems - in particular small-scale schemes - usually require less sophisticated equipment for both construction and maintenance (unless pumps are used). Water is distributed through a system of pumping stations gates, ditches and canals by raising the water table. Short, level furrows - also called furrow basins - can, like basins, be constructed and maintained by hand. There are some studies in relation to evaluation methods of irrigation suitability mentioned below that show different picture of two kinds of irrigation including drop and gravity irrigation in different area. on sandy soils and a shallow rooting crop, furrow irrigation would be most appropriate. The increased number of alternative irrigation methods, drought and water shortages, increasing demand for food, concern for environmental protection, government involvement in the promotion of pressurized irrigation and private sector interest (the interest of suppliers of irrigation equipments to increase their income regardless of the consequences for farmers) have heightened … This method can vary in different regions. Irrigation is the process of applying water to the crops artificially to fulfil their water requirements. Strong wind can disturb the spraying of water from sprinklers. The maintenance - ploughing and furrowing - is also often done by machines. of irrigation method. There are different types of irrigation practised for improving crop yield. Here, water is distributed across the land by gravity. Again, it is not possible to give specific guidelines leading to a single best solution; each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Sprinkler or Drip Irrigation, 7.2 Basin, Furrow Furrow irrigation - with the possible exception of short, level furrows -requires accurate field grading. Also the border, sprinkler and drip irrigation methods are discussed, but in less detail. In the drip system, water supply is done drop by drop exactly at roots using a hose or pipe. A minimum slope of 0.05% is recommended to ensure adequate drainage. Required fields are marked *. For example, summer crops require a higher amount of water as compared to winter crops. The result shows … 18 & 19. Two different methods of irrigation are- modern methods that include sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation; traditional irrigation that includes manual irrigation where water is pulled out by the farmers themselves from the wells and canals to irrigate the land. Nutrients may also be provided to the crops through irrigation. He or she must know which method suits the local conditions (However, none of the surface irrigation methods can be used if the sand is very coarse, i.e. These costs should then be compared with the expected benefits (yields). 7.1 Surface, Sprinkler or Drip Irrigation. Also Read: Crop Production and Management. Some physical and biological properties, such as turbidity and presence of algae, bacteria or viruses, also determine the suitability of the water for irrigation. The smaller the basins, the easier their construction, operation and maintenance. if the infiltration rate is more than 30 mm/hour.). The suitability of the various irrigation methods, i.e. rice). It must be checked that this amount can indeed be given, with the irrigation method under consideration. irrigation methods, the land suitability of 6,275 ha 21.42% of this plain will improve. Field experience has shown that most water can be applied per irrigation application when using basin irrigation, less with border irrigation and least with furrow irrigation. Irrigation helps to increase productivity even in low rainfall. In this system, water is applied to each plant through a network of pipes under low pressure. Water is distributed from a central location by overhead high-pressure sprinklers or from sprinklers from the moving platform. surface, sprinkler or drip irrigation, depends mainly on the following factors: - natural conditions - type of crop Before choosing an irrigation method, an estimate must be made of the costs and benefits of the available options. When the irrigation schedule has been determined (see Volume 4) it is known how much water (in mm) has to be given per irrigation application. Irrigation facilities make it possible to grow more than one crop in most of the areas of the country. Irrigation efficiency, application efficiency will be d iscussed in relation to water use efficiency. Water is applied in the root zone of the crop. It is obvious that farmers will only be interested in implementing a certain method if they consider this economically attractive. In practice, in small-scale irrigation projects, usually 40-70 mm of water are applied in basin irrigation, 30-60 mm in border irrigation and 20-50 mm in furrow irrigation. Pressurized irrigation Border irrigation is particularly suitable for close growing crops such as alfalfa, but border irrigation can also be used for row crops and trees. You’ll learn all the above mentioned irrigation methods in details here. Sprinkler or drip irrigation are preferred above surface irrigation on steeper or unevenly sloping lands as they require little or no land levelling. Cost/benefit analysis is, however, beyond the scope of this manual. For example: if the soil is sandy and the rooting depth of the crop is medium, it is estimated that the net depth of each irrigation application will be in the order of 35 mm. The main types of irrigation followed by farmers include: In this system, no irrigation pump is involved. To know more about irrigation, its types, methods and importance, keep visiting BYJU’S website or download the BYJU’S app for further reference. There are five basic methods of irrigation (flooding, furrow irrigation, trickle, sprinkling, and sub irrigation). The required labour inputs for construction and maintenance depend heavily on the extent to which machinery is used. If the irrigation water contains dissolved salts, drip irrigation is particularly suitable, as less water is applied to the soil than with surface methods. Insufficient and uncertain rainfall adversely affects agriculture. On the cost side not only the construction and installation, but also the operation and maintenance (per hectare) should be taken into account. The main advantage of this method is that it is cheap. The above considerations have been summarized in Table 5. In this type of irrigation, either the field is flooded (this is known as Basin Irrigation) or the water is fed into small channels (this is known as furrow irrigation). I like it very much. They are constructed and maintained by machines. Farmer must know which method suits the local conditions best. Unfortunately, in many cases there is no single best solution: all methods Unfortunately, in many cases there is no single best solution: all methods have their advantages and disadvantages. They therefore need frequent but small irrigation applications, in particular when the sandy soil is also shallow. Also Read: Traditional Methods of Irrigation. On steeper sloping land, contour furrows can be used up to a maximum land slope of 3%. 1. To choose an irrigation method, the farmer must know the advantages and disadvantages The various sources of water for irrigation are wells, ponds, lakes, canals, tube-wells, and even dams. Figure 67 Basin irrigation is relatively easy, 7.1 Surface, Very helpful it strictly targeted my exercise, Your email address will not be published. Drip irrigation system Or trickle irrigation is one of the latest and modern methods of irrigation.It is suitable for water scarcity and salt affected soils. In general it can be stated that to operate the system, basin irrigation requires the least labour and the least skill. However, it must be remembered that efficiency is just as much a function of the irrigator as the method used. The modern method compensates the disadvantages of traditional methods and thus helps in the proper way of water usage. ), This means that if only little water is to be applied per application, e.g. Basin Irrigation. The purchase of equipment requires high capital investment per hectare. This chapter gives some very broad guidance and indicates and installation. Micro-irrigation is the application of small quantities of water frequently directly above and below the surface of the soil, in the form of discrete drops, continuous drops through water emitters. Controlled: Water is applied from the head ditch and … surface, sprinkler or drip irrigation, depends mainly on the following factors: Natural conditions; Type of crop; Type of technology Sub-surface III. It is one of the most primitive and insufficient methods of irrigation. Multiple cropping is not possible in India because the rainy season is specific in most of the regions. Surface irrigation can be used for all types of crops. the results of water testing, methods of statistical analysis, ion ratios, a Piper diagram, and a variety of groundwater irrigation suitability models were used to analyze the chemical composition of groundwater and the influence of seawater intrusion. or Border Irrigation, 7.1 Surface, Sprinkler or Drip Irrigation. Flooding 3. of the various methods. Standard water quality test needed for design and operation of drip irrigation system. The water is spread or flooded into the field, without much control or before preparation. on a clay soil and with a deep rooting crop, border or basin irrigation would be more appropriate. c. Type of technology. In drip irrigation, water is applied near the plant root through emitters or drippers, on or below the soil surface , at a low rate varying from 2 – 20 litres per hour. Irrigation is the process of applying water to the crops artificially to fulfil their water requirements. 2.4 Crop-Water requirement calculation by Penman method and computer software (CROPWAT-8) 2.5 Principal crops, their seasons and water requirements 2.6 Method of applying water to irrigation field as surface, sub-surface and Sprinkler methods 2.7 Techniques of surface irrigation and their suitability Some examples of the traditional system are pulley system, lever system, chain pump. If the infiltration rate is higher than 30 mm/hour, sprinkler or drip irrigation should be used. Drip irrigation with saline water is one of the most effective methods to ease the current worldwide water shortage. Basins are small, they can be used on sloping land up to 2 % on soils. Field grading to winter crops last column indicates which irrigation method, the pump system is fifth... To improve the traditional system are pulley system, chain pump required with... 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